Silver Creek and Stephenson Railroad - Train of Terror

2954 S. Walnut Rd
Freeport, IL 61032
Map This Location
815-235-2198 (On days when train runs)
815-232-2306 (Other days)

Train of Terror Photo

Each night, the harsh light of reality fades into darkness, but there is nothing in the dark that is not there in the light. Or is there? On certain October nights, the darkness casts only a thin vail over your primeval fears. This vail is pierced by the twin steel rails of the Silver Creek and Stephenson Railroad.

The train of terror embarks upon those rails into a surreal realm haunted by ghosts, ghouls, vampires, zombies and other pillars of the undead community. Through the years, many terrors have been visited upon the passengers of this train. Is your nightmare an insane killer with a bloody machete and flaming torch? Perhaps it's a ghost ship whose pirate crew barrages you with cannon fire. Maybe it's imprisoned lost souls laboring away in an eternity of despair. All these have been seen in past years.

What does this year hold for the unwary traveler? Ride the train and find out... if you dare.

The train of terror is proud to be listed by

Ride the Train of Terror

The train of terror departs from the Silver Creek Depot hourly from 6:00 pm through 9:00 pm. Consult the schedule for dates and fares.

What's to see on the Train of Terror?

See photos of scenes from past trains of terror.

See video from Train of Terror 2011. See darker, spookier video.